Terms & Conditions

Our Terms And Conditions For All Customers Of GLX Website Hosting...

"GLX Website Hosting" refers to the vendor and provider of domain registration.

"The Applicant" refers to: The person or company applying for hosting services.

GLX Website Hosting shall provide services to The Applicant under the Terms and conditions as set out below. For .uk domain registrations there are additional conditions that are set out by Nominet

These terms and conditions relate to all completed registration forms for Top Level Domains (TLDs).

Applications To Register

All applications must be made by e-mail or by using the template provided on GLX Website Hosting's web site, or a web site owned by GLX Website Hosting or a web site owned by an approved and active agent of GLX Website Hosting Limited. The application form should be completed but not modified in any way.

Acceptance & Payment

While the domain name that is applied for is in accordance with our naming policy (6) and not already in use, it will normally be allotted to the applicant immediately the respective Domain Registrar has been approved and payment has been made.

The chosen domain name will become the sole possession of the Applicant only after full payment of the registration fee.

GLX Website Hosting reserves the right to refuse registration without giving reasons.

Acceptance and payment of the annual fee constitutes a contract for 12 months.

Applicants will be invoiced by GLX Website Hosting by email. Payment will be made by Visa, Mastercard or Laser either online by telephone. Payments by cheque may add considerably to the delay in confirmation of the domain name.

Payment for the annual renewal of the domain name is necessary before renewal date. This is normally accomplished automatically as a claim upon the Applicant’s credit card. Otherwise an annual invoice will be issued for payment before the renewal date.

Applicants are responsible for their own security so far as any password or security codes are concerned. Where GLX Website Hosting acts on instructions received under password that relate in any way to this contract, no liability will be accepted arising from the use by GLX Website Hosting of this or any other password.

Payment Requirements

Invoices are normally issued by email;

Payment is due immediately on receipt of invoice;

Online Payment by Credit Card is preferred;

A rejected payment will incur a € 5 resubmission charge;

Inaccurate payments will incur a € 5 resubmission charge;

Non-Irish Bank drafts that are not drawn on an associating Irish bank will incur a € 5 resubmission charge.

Termination of the Agreement

This agreement may be terminated at any time by the applicant by giving GLX Website Hosting 28 days notice in writing
(electronic e-mail message being regarded as writing for this purpose).

Refunds shall be made at the discretion of GLX Website Hosting.

Termination must be made on company letter heading and be dated and signed by a person recognised by GLX Website Hosting.


GLX Website Hosting will notify customer 1 month before renewal by email.

The Terms and Conditions in force at the time of renewal will then apply.

The Applicant will be informed of any major changes in the Terms and Conditions

Copies of the Terms and Conditions will be provided by GLX Website Hosting on request.

Failure to pay renewal fee before the expiry date will result in the domain being suspended or potentially lost.

Addtional charges may apply to renew a domain that has expired.

Ownership of Domain Names

GLX Website Hosting will only act as an agent for purchase of domain names.

All domain names requested by the applicant will remain the property of GLX Website Hosting until the first annual fee payment has been made in full.

The renewal of domain names requires payment of the renewal fee by the applicant to ensure continuation of service for email and hosted web sites.

In the event of non-payment, GLX Website Hosting reserve the right to dispose of the domain name and claim for payment from the defaulting applicant by normal commercial and legal means after a period of 90 days has elapsed from renewal date.

Obligations of the Applicant

The selected domain name must not be used in breach of trademark, copyright or other intellectual property rights of third parties.

There must be no attempt to pass-off as another company by means of the domain name. If litigation were to ensue as a result of any legal challenge, the applicant agrees to indemnify GLX Website Hosting and warrant them as an innocent party to any passing-off or similar intellectual property challenge.

The selected domain name must not be used for any illegal or immoral purpose, or for any purpose likely to bring the name of GLX Website Hosting into disrepute

The applicant must not grant domain names to any sub-domain users without the expressed permission, in writing, by GLX Website Hosting.

Termination by GLX Website Hosting

GLX Website Hosting may cancel this agreement or suspend delegation of a name on seven days written notice
(electronic e-mail message being regarded as writing for this purpose)


  • The name is administered in a way likely to endanger operation of the Top Level Domain;
  • The terms of this agreement have been broken by the applicant;
  • In the opinion of GLX Website Hosting, the name is being used in a manner likely to cause confusion to internet users;
  • It has come to GLX Website Hosting's attention that an earlier application in the name of another party has been commenced by GLX Website Hosting, or with another provider, there can be no redress of this situation as a "first-come-first-served" policy applies Internet wide. In this rare situation, GLX Website Hosting will make a full refund to the unsuccessful applicant;
  • It has come to GLX Website Hosting's attention that legal action has been commenced regarding use of the name

In the unlikely event of a dispute between GLX Website Hosting and the applicant, and if good sense and reasonableness is not evident, the contract between GLX Website Hosting and the applicant will be terminated by GLX Website Hosting. If all outstanding payments have been made, the name will continue to be owned by the Applicant and there will be no refund provision.

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