Drupal Hosting
Our Recommended CMS Installation.What is Drupal?
Softaculous Install with our Linux hosting accounts offers most well known applications available to install on your website. Softaculous Installer is the best application that we recommend for your CMS with Drupal hosting. It is completely free to install, extremely easy to configure and use, and you will have a great looking manageable web site up and running in no time at all.
Easy Set Up
Cheap cPanel Hosting UK from GLX makes for an easy set-up even if you have never installed a web application before. Drupal is not beyond your abilities using Cheap cPanel Hosting. Using a simple step by step process of installation (just as if you were intalling a program on your pc!) Drupal will be installed on your hosting account in no time. If you do encounter difficulty our support team are available to assist you.
Large Open Source Community
Drupal is extremely well supported, as it is open source it not only has a large following of developers but most of these developers are prepared to support the application and offer advice and tips on the use of the program. You can view more information on this here
Easy Administration
You won't need to depend on a web developer for those minor website changes any longer as Drupal is a full content management system allowing you full control over your website content..
With such a large community of developers it is no surprise that
Drupal now offers more than 6,000 add-on modules which will enable
you to customise your Drupal installation and create your own unique site
for whatever purpose you have in mind whether it's an on-line shopping
cart system or an advertising website.
Along with the add-ons there are also many themes that you can
download and apply to your Drupal website. For more information
on this please see : here