Firstly, you will need a user to access this database.
Log into your cPanel (http://www.yourdomain/cpanel).
Then click “MySQL Databases”.
Scroll down until you see “Users”. Enter a username and
password below.
Note that the actual username will be you account name
followed by an underscore and the username you define.
E.g. If you account name was “hosting”, and your database
username was “fred”, then your full username would be
After you have done this, find the text box which allows you
to create a database. Enter the database name, and press
Add Database.
Note that the same rules apply as for the username, your
database will be called accountname_databasename.
Then, you need to add the user to the database.
Select the user you created from the drop down box, then
select the database.
Make sure ‘ALL’ is ticked, and then press “Add User to DB”.